Life after a Wolf Mini-Maze, just 6 weeks later. Cancun windsurfing today, and scuba diving tomorrow. Thanks again, Dr. Randall K. Wolf. I can finally scuba, pilot, surf, zipline, and have a full life again!!!
— Bambi Laird-Opoliner
Patients with atrial fibrillation (AFib) from every state in the USA and the world have come to Dr. Randall Wolf for the Wolf Mini-Maze (WMM) procedure. Here are some of their testimonials.
Life after a Wolf Mini-Maze, just 6 weeks later. Cancun windsurfing today, and scuba diving tomorrow. Thanks again, Dr. Randall K. Wolf. I can finally scuba, pilot, surf, zipline, and have a full life again!!!
— Bambi Laird-Opoliner